I popped out a few days ago in my usual belated way to throw a few daffodil bulbs in the ground and some winter pansies into pots on the patio. I was completely surprised to find that my French beans which had been abandoned weeks ago not only had new beans ready for picking but also more blossom. We have had some really foggy, dull weather lately, so I can't even put it down to warm sunny days.
Last year, I bought a new wooden half barrel for the patio as the old one had rotted out. The narcissus bulbs which I had had for years were blind this year with not one flower, so I thought I had dug them all out and thrown them away. I was planning on planting a fresh batch of bulbs this autumn around the fuchsia I put in back in the summer, which was why I was now finally in the garden. I had obviously missed some bulbs though as they were now growing up through the soil in the barrel. One of them was already about 4 inches tall!
I am now completely confused as to what is going on in my garden. I don't know if it is autumn, winter of spring and clearly my garden doesn't either. I think one hard frost will finish the beans off. Hopefully the new bulbs I put in with the ones already sprouting will put on a good show in another 4 months or so. I am beginning to wonder if I will be picking strawberries for lunch on Christmas Day though. At this rate, who knows?!