A Bit About Me .....

I am an amateur gardener of a small suburban garden. I don't profess to know what I am doing most of the time, I just muddle along as best I can, hoping it will turn out alright.

The main purpose of this blog is to act as a diary for myself of plants I have grown, mistakes I have made and odd bits of advice that might be of use in the future. Feel free to jump in and leave any advice or comments.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Spring Is In The Air

Now the evenings are getting lighter again and the temperatures are warming up (well slightly), I am starting to think about actually going into the garden again.  I have to admit for the last 5 months all I have managed is a quick sprint to the compost heap.  Even that was under duress, when  I couldn't shut the lid on the kitchen compost bin any more!

It seems like the winter went on for ages and if it wasn't snowing, it was raining.  Or it was just plain freezing cold.  The daffodils came up a few weeks ago and have stayed the same height since.  They obviously had second thoughts.

Having ventured out the other day, for a half hour tidy, I was quite surprised at how much damage had been done by the frosts.  Pots that I have had for years have taken a real battering and will definitely need to be replaced.  Surprisingly my cabbages and rainbow chard seem to be thriving with new leaves appearing.  I may even manage to eat some this time before the caterpillars appear.

I must admit, I was a bit bored with the lack of colour in the garden now, so I decided to do a bit of instant gardening and plant some red and yellow polyanthus in the metal planters on the fence.  The splash of colour has made a huge difference to the garden.  They are definitely a welcome sight from the kitchen window.  Hopefully the daffodils and tulips won't be long now as well.